This is the line out the door at 6:30, in case you were unsure of the unrivaled drawing power of $1 pizza slices. Scott got a ton of pies donated from some of the city's best pizzerias, allowing for all the proceeds to go straight to City Harvest.

Not a bad line up, right? I was stoked about Luzzo's since I haven't had it since my birthday back in October. Granted the pizzas suffered a bit from the inevitable box soggification encountered during delivery, but considering our location in the village, Joe's, John's, Arturo's and even Ben's (which didn't make it onto the above poster) all managed to arrive without too much pizza trauma.

I still can't get over the impressive turnout at the event, but then again who wouldn't want to get down on these killer pizzas?

While scoring a slice of Joe's or Lazzara's is always great, it was so satisfying to grab slices from joints that serve only by the pie, especially John's considering their infamous slogan. In addition to the pizza, Scott curated a selection of pizza boxes from around the world he's had alumni of his tours send to him over the past couple of months.

Menus and boxes made it all the way to New York from places like the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Japan, and more- SUHweeet!

If this wasn't enough, Scott held one hell of a pizza raffle, giving away everything from pizza pens, shirts, books, throw dough, and more.

If you look closely you'll find Jason from I Dream of Pizza, Cary from Passion 4 Pizza, Sean from 31 Days of Pizza, and Nick from Pizza Rules! It's always great to see other pizza nerds wolfing down pies.

Check out Cary's slice-stacking technique- he's obviously no amateur at scarfing slices! At the end of the day, we collectively killed something like 75 pizzas, raising around $1600 for City Harvest!

Never underestimate the positive power of pizza.