It must be nice to live in a city where there isn't a moratorium on coal-fired pizza establishments, but looking back on the brutal winters I suffered growing up in this city, I'm not quite sure I would endure the freezing oppression for a pizzeria. Then again, I didn't get to personally try this great-looking pizza:

While the industrial interior of this place is befitting of Minneapolis' warehouse district, I wish I could say it looked as great as the pie above-

Atmosphere aside, great pizza is great pizza no matter where you eat it, and apparently this one killer pizza. Black Sheep utilizes a coal and gas coalescent (see what I did there?) oven, which combines the temperature consistency of gas ovens...

...with the sought-after taste of coal ovens:

What I find interesting about Black Sheep's menu is the absence of a Margherita pie. Trustworthy Twin Cities pizza blogger Aaron Landry suggests ordering the tomato and oregano pie (cheeseless) and adding smoked (or fresh) mozzarella and garlic (this pie had fresh tomatoes on half). Yummy. That oven of theirs seems to toast their pies rather nicely:

Between these pictures taken kindly by my family and the rave reviews from across the board, it's beginning to look like I'm going to have to brave the cold soon enough and try it for myself.
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